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بريدك الإلكترونى فى أمان معنا

الأحد، 21 فبراير 2016

They conducted a caesarean operation, but they did not find the child, big surprise!

أجروا لها عملية ولادة قيصرية ولكنهم لم يجدوا الطفل، والمفاجأة كبرى!

They conducted a caesarean operation, but they did not find the child, big surprise!

Lady and her husband do not doubt that childbirth is one of the most beautiful moments you might have trouble in the life of every mother, but what I have experienced Amber make this experience memorable incident quite differently.
In detail, the Daniel and Amber Haddz two Tnaiaan Aafan and Oaldan Mahban for 3 children waiting for fourth. With the entry of Amber labor early in the week of the 30th, and stay for 36 hours without a normal delivery, the doctors decided to turn it into an emergency caesarean section as an alternative.
Perhaps the greatest surprise was when the oldest doctors incision belly Amber for the extraction of the child expected, and did not find anything! Moments later, doctors from prying around in silence and amazement, I felt Amber that there are speeches.
While the medical staff is trying to rectify the situation is to discover what the speeches, everyone was surprised after two minutes voice crying toddler! It turns out that the child had managed to get off in the birth canal, the doctor finds him alive and in good health between the legs of its mother.
Parents who fired the name Olly on the new baby were not at all satisfied with what has happened with the medical staff at the hospital who gave birth in which Amber, especially as they had surgery turned out to be wholly unnecessary.
However, in most cases, whatever the method of birth weird, Daniel and Amber are more than happy that their child is in good health!

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