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الأحد، 21 فبراير 2016

Armpit hair removed permanently in just two minutes!

إزالة شعر الإبط نهائياً في دقيقتين‎ فقط!

Armpit hair removed permanently in just two minutes!

"Armpit | this region cause concern to humans because of the hair, sweat, and the resulting smell of them.

Here are tips to overcome this concern and remove the source:

1: lemon and sugar

Ingredients: Two tablespoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of sugar.

Setup and use: Combine lemon juice with the sugar to get put on the underarm hair and let it dry for a few minutes and is then removed with a wet towel and rinse with clean water.

2: eggs, corn flour

Ingredients: egg and a tablespoon and a half of corn flour

Setup and use: Prepare a paste by mixing eggs, corn flour, and put the dough on the armpits and then advance for water.

3: milk and turmeric:

Ingredients: one teaspoon of turmeric and two tablespoons of milk.

Setup and use: Mix turmeric with milk until a paste is then put putty on the armpits, and leave it for a few minutes and rinse with water.

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