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الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2016

Asteroid evil lurks land,,, Is the world ends two days later?

Asteroid evil lurks land,,, Is the world ends two days later?

كويكب شرير يتربص بالأرض.. فهل ينتهي العالم بعد يومين؟

It supposed to pass the asteroid (TX68) of a diameter of 30 meters, near the Earth's orbit, reaching the distance between him and the ground to 19 thousand miles only.
However, the proponents of the theory of the Day of Resurrection are not convinced that a stray asteroid will not collide with the planet in his current trip, while saying the US space agency, "NASA", that there is little possibility of colliding with the Earth next year and not the current.
At a time when quick owners end of the world theory and the faithful to store food needs amid growing fears that the world will end in just two days, because of the synchronization of this period with the three astronomical phenomena is a rare total solar eclipse, and the appearance of the moon the giant, in addition to severe approaching one of the asteroids orbit the Earth in 24 hours.
This impending event caused the growing allegations and assumptions published by the theory of the Day of Resurrection owners, also increased from those allegations NASA American recognition that they are not sure about the asteroid's path, where 19 thousand-mile distance between him and the ground was estimated to about 11 million miles.
In addition to the US space agency, adjusted from the date of passage of the asteroid after it had been set by the fifth day of March / March current, and now NASA says it will pass on the eighth of March.
This situation compounded of fear as a result of uncertainty about the date the passage of the asteroid, which support the fact allegations promoted by advocates of the theory of the Day of Resurrection, who predicted months ago that the asteroid will collide with Earth in March 2016.
Some semiconductor astrologers and publish video on the Internet months ago warning that the asteroid what they call "an evil mythical planet called" Nibiru "or" Planet X ", will collide with Earth in 2016 may result in the end of the world.

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