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الاثنين، 22 فبراير 2016

Facebook gives you $ 1000 in order to fight terrorism

Facebook gives you $ 1000 in order to fight terrorism

I knew recent weeks, a major development at the level of the appearance of ads with terrorist groups and extremist, and is the most commonly used Daash and attention to social networking sites Cfhispock and Twitter, and the aim is to attract young minds to it, as well as publication of her letters jihadist. And the dangerous thing is that many members of Daash have active accounts on the most popular platforms, in addition to their use of encrypted communication applications as Telegram. This case has created great discontent among citizens in various parts of the world, especially after the recent attack by Paris and then planning and implementing them through those applications and sites, and for this reason I decided to fight these Facebook aggressive.
Facebook provides you with $ 1,000 in order to fight terrorism
Facebook declares war against terrorism and with the launch of a new program depends on the provision of financial balance of $ 1,000 to anyone who fights and raise his voice against hate speech and propaganda of terrorism (through advertising campaigns), and considers this a smart strategy from Facebook because instead of you the closure and banning extremist pages and that spread hatred between the followers, the focus on awareness and educate young minds through financial grants to fight terrorism.

The first person received financial balance of $ 1,000 from Facebook is a German comedians (Arbi-El-Ayachi) and through the deployment of one of the videos in this regard.

Other social networking sites and major sites in turn has taken strict measures to fight extremism types:
YouTube: deleted tens of thousands of Alvedewalmtpartyh tapes.
Twitter: closed 125,000 special account jihadists and terrorists.
Google: When you write any special terrorism or extremism in the Google search engine will find the word private first fight terrorism links.

As for how to get the $ 1,000, the Facebook did not say anything regarding verification procedures for the beneficiaries, and therefore the possibility of remaining balance of exchange in the personal matters of the question.

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