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الأحد، 21 فبراير 2016

Do you know why rub her hands constantly fly all the time without stopping

Do you know why rub her hands constantly fly all the time without stopping

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Do you know why rub her hands constantly fly all the time without stopping
City News: - Sure, most of us have noticed something strange in the flies that he rubbed his hand very quickly constantly all the time without stopping, and some of us wonder, but without knowing the reason for this strange and is very quick movement at the same time.
Proved that the sense and the taste when the flies are in her hands, and when you see rub her hands quickly and on an ongoing basis are in the process of periodic cleaning of the hands of dust or anything else that might be related to them to be able to taste better, so the creation of God Almighty flies and make her great speed in the airline of up to 10 km per hour, and is another marvelous in the fly as opposed to rubbing her hands and speed horrible, that fly stands bishop without falling dint of the law of gravity, it is not able to do so, and the fly can also digest anything Tmsth at the same time in the sense that if it I ate something, if you Ptkotaiaha to parts will not find anything because they may Himth on the spot and turned it into another case, so God Almighty flies creation.

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